Minister Ng Eng Hen Urges Avoidance of Conflict in Asia

Sun Feb 18 2024
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SINGAPORE: Minister Ng Eng Hen, addressing delegates at the 60th Munich Security Conference, emphasized the critical imperative of averting conflict in Asia, stressing that such outcomes must be diligently circumvented.

Speaking alongside esteemed counterparts from Germany and Tanzania, Dr. Ng highlighted the significance of employing multilateral forums and diplomatic channels to preempt any potential conflicts.

Responding to queries regarding escalating defence expenditures in the Indo-Pacific region, Dr. Ng underscored nations’ prerogative to fortify their security interests. He underscored the sizable investments projected by major players like the United States and China, cautioning against the perilous consequences of an arms race.

Dr. Ng also underscored the unpredictability of conflicts, referencing past instances like the Israel-Hamas confrontation. Expressing his unequivocal stance against conflict escalation in Asia, he emphasized the paramount importance of preserving regional stability.

In his assessment, Dr. Ng articulated apprehensions about the simultaneous occurrence of multiple instabilities globally, including tensions between Russia and Ukraine, the Israel-Hamas conflict, and the looming possibility of a US-China confrontation. He reiterated the catastrophic repercussions of such conflicts and emphasized the imperative of nurturing peaceful resolutions.

Reflecting on recent geopolitical developments, Dr. Ng found reassurance in diplomatic engagements between world leaders, particularly the meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden. He also noted President Biden’s stance on Taiwanese independence and underscored the importance of maintaining strategic stability in the region.

Expressing his concerns, Dr. Ng highlighted the potential ramifications of wavering political support for Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression. He emphasized the need for collective action to safeguard sovereignty and uphold fundamental principles in the international arena.

Dr. Ng emphasized the necessity of robust military-to-military engagements to mitigate risks of strategic miscalculations. He underscored ongoing efforts in the ASEAN region to bolster cooperation among nations and underscored the importance of sustained dialogue and collaboration.

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