Minister of Religious Affairs Vows Improved Hajj Experience for Pakistani Pilgrims

Sun May 19 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony, Chaudhry Salik Hussain, assured on Sunday that there would be no compromise on the provision of the best possible facilities for Pakistani pilgrims during this year’s Hajj.

In an interview with a news channel, he stated, “This year’s Hajj will be exemplary for Pakistani pilgrims, offering facilities that were not available in the past.”

Hussain highlighted that accommodations, meals, transportation, and all basic necessities had been standardized. He emphasized that a strict and effective round-the-clock monitoring system would be adopted to ensure quality and safety.


“When serving the hajjis, it’s important to consider food safety and cleanliness in addition to flavor. “We’ll be keeping an eye on food preparation up until the distribution procedures,” he said. To further support pilgrims, an online app has been launched to train and guide them through every step of Hajj e Baitullah. This app also includes a complaint management system to resolve any issues immediately.

The minister added that the camps in Mina and Arafat would be equipped with all necessary services, including three meals a day, water, soft drinks, hot drinks, a medical doctor, security guards, and continuous cleaning services. This year, the government has introduced a reduction in Hajj expenses while enhancing facilities compared to previous years.

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