Minister Urges Pakistan Hajj Mission to Ensure Top-notch Facilities for Pilgrims in Mina

Tue Jun 11 2024
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MAKKAH: Pakistan’s Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Chaudhry Salik Hussain has directed the Pakistani Hajj Mission to ensure the provision of top-notch facilities to Pakistani pilgrims during the Hajj days particularly in Mina, where they would stay in tents and spend most of their time.

During his visit to various sections of the Pakistan Hajj Mission, followed by a consultative meeting with senior officials, Chaudhry Salik Hussain emphasized the significance of providing facilities to pilgrims in Mina and Arafat.

Among others, the meeting was attended by Secretary Religious Affairs Zulfiqar Haider, Director General Hajj Abdul Wahab Soomro, Joint Secretary Hajj Sajjad Haider Yaldram, Director Facilitation and Coordination Nadeem Ahmed Khan, Director Makkah Faheem Khan Afridi, Director Madina Zia-ur-Rehman, Diredtor Food and Accommodation and Transport Asghar Yusufzai, Director Hajj Medical Mission Brigadier Jamil Ahmed Lakhair and Director General Syed Mushahid Hussain.

Chaudhry Salik Hussain stressed the need for more effective coordination among all departments of the Hajj mission to ensure the well-being of pilgrims.  The meeting was informed that fresh food would be provided to Hajj pilgrims in Mina and Arafat this year, with Hajj support staff monitoring facilities in Mina tents.

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