Ministry of Religious Affairs Issues Hajj Flight Details

Fri May 03 2024
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ISLAMABAD: The Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony issued the comprehensive schedule for the Hajj flight operations on Friday including all relevant information for the pilgrims. Hajj Flight would be commenced from May 9 till June 9, 2024.

According to the spokesperson of the ministry in the initial 15 days, all flights are designated to fly directly at Madina Airport, having a seamless entry into the sacred land for the pilgrims, whereas from May 24 to June 9, majority of the flights would be landing at Jeddah Airport coupled with, efficient travel arrangements for the influx of pilgrims.

Hajj Flight Schedule

Commenting on the inaugural day’s departure statistics, the spokesperson Umar Butt said that in total 11 flights would take 2,160 pilgrims from various embarkation points across the country including departure of 680 Hajj pilgrims from Islamabad through 3 flights. Karachi and Lahore would contribute 330 and 670 passengers through two and three boarding flights respectively.

Meanwhile, Multan would witness two plights carrying 329 pilgrims whereas 151 pilgrims would be departed from Sialkot Airport for Madina in a single flight, Umar said.

The spokesperson also apprised about the commencement dates for flights from Quetta and Sukkur, with the former initiating its operations on May 11 whereas the latter on May 27.

He further informed about over 68,000 official pilgrims would be embarked on their journey to Saudi Arabia through a total of 259 Hajj flights, highlighting the scale and significance of the annual pilgrimage.

Umar said the Hajj flight operations would be completed till June 9, adding that from June 20, the first flight carrying pilgrims would make on their journey back, signifying the beginning of the pilgrimage’s conclusion and the pilgrims’ homeward bound trajectory.

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