Mirwaiz Sends Legal Notice to IIOJK Authorities Over Illegal Detention

Mon Aug 21 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Mirwaiz Umar Farooq filed a court notice to the authorities demanding his release in reaction to a false claim by Manoj Sinha, the lieutenant governor of occupied Jammu and Kashmir, that senior APHC leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq was free and could go anywhere.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq has been confined to his Nigeen villa on the outskirts of Srinagar City for the past four years. Through his attorney Nazir Ahmad Ronga, he has delivered the legal notice to IIIOJK Chief Secretary Dr. Arun Kumar Mehta.

According to Ronga, his client is Jammu and Kashmir’s most prominent religious and Islamic figure. He is also a speaker and scholar renowned for his humanism and integrity. His message is peace and love, the strengthening of brotherhood, and intergroup harmony.

His efforts to uphold right above wrong and banish evil and malice are well-recognized. “My client has been held against his will without receiving a detention order. He cannot leave his home since a significant police presence has been stationed there to restrict his movement. Ronga stated in the notice that his client had not even been told why he was being held or given a reason for his custody.

“Due to the state authority’s illegal imprisonment of my client, he has suffered continuously for the past four years. All of this has been done in light of recent incidents and episodes that violate Articles 21 and 25–28 and 370 and 35A, which must be prohibited by law. No attempt should be allowed to compromise the integrity of the law, which protects everyone equally since everyone is equal among equals. However, my client receives different treatment; he is discriminated against in every way. And he is being denied what the law governing the matter has guaranteed to him,” it stated.

Mirwaiz is free, according to Manoj Sinha’s claims in two interviews. —APP

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