Modi Regime Subjecting Hurriyat Leadership to Political Vendetta by Prolonging Their Unlawful Detention: APHC

Sat Feb 24 2024
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SRINAGAR: The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has strongly condemned the ongoing unlawful detentions of Hurriyat leaders and activists under false charges in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

In a statement, APHC spokesperson said that the RSS-backed Hindutva government of India was subjecting the leadership of Hurriyet and activists including women to the worst kind of political vengeance for their rightful political ideas and their just position on the Kashmir dispute.

The statement emphasized that those detained, many of whom have been apprehended by India’s notorious agencies such as the National Investigation Agency (NIA) over the past several years, are facing baseless charges.

Moreover, these leaders, currently held in prisons across India and IIOJK, are being deprived of fundamental rights, including adequate medical care, leading to deteriorating health conditions. He said that the Kashmiri people were facing severe persecution as a result of their demands for their fundamental right to self-determination.

The spokesperson said that all arrested leaders and activists of Hurriyat are political prisoners and that the UN and other international human rights organizations should take notice of their deplorable situation.

He emphasized that Jammu and Kashmir is a disputed territory recognized by the international community and that peace and stability in the area could not be achieved unless the conflict was resolved as per the UN resolutions and the desires of the Kashmiri people.

Despite facing relentless state-sponsored terrorism, the spokesperson affirmed the unwavering resolve of the Kashmiri people to pursue their struggle for freedom and honor the legacy of their martyrs.


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