Moin Khan Joins the Race for PCB Chairmanship Slot

Sat Jan 20 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Following Zaka Ashraf’s resignation as the chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) yesterday, the race for the slot of the new chairman began as the former Pakistan cricket team captain Moin Khan has entered the race for the post, a private television channel reported on Saturday.

It is worth noting here that the former PCB chairman, Najam Sethi, is also a strong contender for the slot and also has the credit of bringing PSL to the country as chairman of PCB.

Meanwhile, according to the TV report, Moin Khan has been in continuous liaison with government officials and is expected to visit Islamabad on Monday for a possible discussion over the matter.

The report further maintained that the former cricketer would be officially nominated as a candidate for the governing board of the PCB. In addition, an interim management committee, known as the Transitional Managing Committee, would be established to ensure fair nomination of the new chairman.

This committee would supervise the election proceedings and would be responsible for enabling a fair and smooth transition of Chairmanship within the cricket board.

Zaka as Chairman PCB

Meanwhile, in a statement issued by Zaka Ashraf after his resignation, he expressed his disappointment over the working conditions while adding that he was unable to work amid such circumstances. 

“It’s not the prerogative of the Prime Minister to nominate a new chairman,” Zaka said, who served as chairman of PCB for less than 8 months. However, this was his third tenure, as he served in the same post after 2013 and 2014.

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