Monitoring Children’s Activities Key to Safer Internet Use

Fri Jun 16 2023
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Rabia Saleem

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In the online world, there is always a presence of strangers who groom the other members online. They are actually the predators who prey on the young and innocent minds who would still be learning about the world. Through various sinister means online, these predators try to invade and influence young minds in a way that is harmful to society in a broader spectrum.

The continuous and rapidly increasing use of the internet generally and social media, especially among the younger generation is known to have caused a disease called addiction. UNICEF’s State of the World’s Children: “Children in a digital world” report reveals that one in three internet users is younger than 18 years and 71% of 15 to 24 years old are online, making them the most connected age group worldwide.

The younger lot is now addicted to TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, online gaming, online gambling and various other apps made for social interaction across the world. All these apps might sound fun but are basically a hazard in disguise.

The teen age of children is the most risky phase where children of ages between 13 and 19 are extremely vulnerable. This is an age phase where children are not mature and decisive enough to think of their well-being, rather they get influenced by what they see or observe online quite easily. They compare themselves with people online and fall prey to the inferiority complex. They talk to the strangers across the world and sometimes take the wild step of fleeing from their homes, breaking the shackles and barriers.

They access adult websites and fall prey to the harmful impacts associated with it. They play harmful and dangerous games online which include the challenge to commit suicide/body injury as the game instructs. They are contacted by some extremist online groups and are encouraged to join or create the same online. In that way, children might risk their privacy and innocence which is taken benefit of by the extremists online.

Some other dangers associated are cyber-bullying (bullying using digital technology), identity theft (when children share their contact and home address online), exposure to offensive messages and pictures/videos online, etc.

There is evidence that children’s cognitive development can be damaged by prolonged internet use, including the development of memory skills, attention span, abilities for critical reasoning, language acquisition, reading, and learning abilities. More research is however, needed to draw more reliable conclusions.

Information overload is another problem associated with the presence online. Having too much information to be able to adequately understand an issue or make effective decisions is a thing. Information overload is associated with loss of control, feelings of being overwhelmed and reduced intellectual performance.

Damage to social relationships is also seen in younger people because of their less conscious presence in the surroundings/physical environment. Extensive internet use, social media in particular, is correlated with loneliness and social isolation. Disrespectful attitude with parents and adults is very rampant in the younger people.

All these issues may be resolved if given appropriate attention. Some steps can be taken to prevent and mitigate the harmful effects of rapid internet usage by children.

Most important step includes educating youth about the internet and its consequences. The younger generation must know how to garner fruitful impacts of the internet. There are so many useful sites on internet like fiverr, upwork where young people can show their skills and earn for them. Instead of being present on snap chat and tiktok, children can make use of these useful apps and polish their skills.

Moreover, a big responsibility lies on the shoulders of parents. Parents must keep themselves aware of their children’s activities online because even the cartoons and games online include the content that might cognitively damage their children though at a slower pace.

The need of the time therefore is to remain very cautious, alert and responsible towards children’s usage of internet as they are the future of the nation and must act towards the betterment and prosperity of the country.


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