More than 250 Human Rights Organizations Seek Halt to Arms Transfers to Israel

Fri Apr 12 2024
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LONDON: More than 250 humanitarian and human rights organizations across the world have demanded an end to arms transfers to Israel.

The statement, released in January, was signed by 16 major organizations seeking an end to weapons transfers and an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

But four months later, more than 250 organizations have signed the statement, showing growing humanitarian concerns over Israel’s military offensive in Gaza.

Since October 7 last year, Israeli bombardment has killed more than 33,000 Palestinians in Gaza, including at least 14,500 children.

The joint statement called on all UN member states to stop adding fuel to the crisis in Gaza and avoid further humanitarian catastrophe and loss of life.

The organizations in the statement urged all states to immediately halt the transfer of arms, and ammunition to Israel as there is risk that they could be used to commit grave human rights violations.

It added that Israel’s bombardment and blockade are depriving the civilian population of their basic needs to survive making Gaza uninhabitable.

It noted that the civilian population in Gaza, today faces a humanitarian crisis of unprecedented severity.

The statement went on to say that more than 153 UN member states have stressed an immediate ceasefire in the besieged enclave, but warns that Israel continues to use weapons in densely populated areas with massive humanitarian consequences for the Palestinians in Gaza.

It said all member states have a legal responsibility to use all possible measures to protect civilians and follow international humanitarian law.

Amnesty International, Save the Children, Oxfam, the Jewish Network for Palestine, Medico International and Christian Aid are among the statement’s signatories.

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