Moscow Warns of ‘Irreparable Damage’ from US Decision on Frozen Russian Assets

Sun Apr 21 2024
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MOSCOW: Moscow issued a stern warning, with Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stating on Saturday that a US decision to utilize frozen Russian assets for Ukraine would inflict “irreparable damage” on America’s reputation and deter Russian investors.

Peskov, speaking to state news agency TASS, condemned the US House of Representatives’ approval of a bill allowing the use of frozen Russian assets to benefit Ukraine, alongside providing substantial aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan totaling $95 billion.

“If this is indeed the case, the US will bear responsibility for it, likely without any time constraints,” Peskov asserted, hinting at potential retaliatory measures. He emphasized that such asset confiscation would undermine confidence in the US as it violates private and state property rights.

Meanwhile, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova echoed these sentiments on social media, condemning the House bill’s provisions. She argued that aid to Ukraine supports terrorism, military assistance to Taiwan interferes with China’s sovereignty, and aid to Israel heightens regional tensions.

Zakharova further criticized the US allocation of military aid, asserting that it exacerbates global crises by supporting “terrorist activities” in Ukraine and provoking China over Taiwan.

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev also weighed in, expressing confidence that Russia will prevail despite the allocation of $61 billion toward military expenditures. Medvedev condemned US military-industrial interests, proclaiming, “Strength and Truth are behind us.”

The unfolding diplomatic tensions underscore a deepening rift between Russia and the US over geopolitical interventions and regional conflicts.

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