MTCP: Speakers Highlight Enduring Long-standing Ties Between Malaysia, Pakistan

Fri Aug 04 2023
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Naveed Miraj & Shahid Qureshi

ISLAMABAD: The participants at a gathering here the other day, highlighted the enduring long-standing brotherly ties between Malaysia and Pakistan.

A dinner was arranged in the honour of Pakistan’s former participants of the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP).


The High Commission of Malaysia in Islamabad graced the occasion. Among the participants were Pakistan’s senior officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economic Affairs, former envoys to Malaysia, Think-Tanks, esteemed captains of industry and the ever-friendly media representatives as well as Friends of Malaysia.

The primary objective of the gathering was to touch base with former MTCP participants and the relevant stakeholders in Pakistan.

The participants highlighted the enduring long-standing brotherly ties between Malaysia and Pakistan. Malaysia places high regards to its strategic partnership with Pakistan.

They said the partnership is premised on mutual respect and understanding with shared goals and common aspirations as two nations develop and progress.

They said the partnership covers key sectors such as trade, investment, education, tourism, culture, defence, and technical assistance on human capital development.

MTCP has been a significant platform for Malaysia in sharing experience in nation-building with fellow developing countries.


During early days in efforts to industrialize Malaysia, from an agrarian-based economy, they took cognizance of the importance of human capital development in nation-building. In this context, through MTCP, Malaysia is committed to sharing knowledge and expertise with Pakistan and the rest of the 143 other recipient countries.

Since MTCP inception in 1980, 35,500 participants from 144 recipient countries have benefited from the it. Pakistan became MTCP Recipient Country Status in 1982.

Since then to date, 764 participants from Pakistan have benefited from MTCP in Islamic tourism, social development, anti-corruption, counterterrorism, property valuation, palm oil, economy, taxation, Islamic finance, Islamic banking, education, technical training and halal industry.

The MTCP was established in 1980 as Malaysia’s commitment to South-South Cooperation through sharing of Malaysia’s development experiences and expertise with other developing countries.

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