Mushahid Hussain: Trailblazer In Human Rights Advocacy

Sun Jan 28 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed, Asia’s representative in the Committee of Human Rights for Parliamentarians (CHRP) of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), has achieved unanimous election to the position of Vice President of the Committee during its recent meeting in Geneva.

This marks a historic moment as Mushahid Hussain becomes the first parliamentarian from Pakistan to ascend to such a prominent position within a key body of the IPU, a global organization representing parliaments worldwide.

Two years ago, at the IPU General Assembly in Rwanda, Senator Mushahid Hussain was elected as a Member of the CHRP, securing his place as the sole Asian member among the ten distinguished representatives on this critical committee. His extensive experience and unwavering commitment to human rights have positioned him as a respected voice in the international arena.

Senator Mushahid Hussain, also a member of the Senate Human Rights Committee, brings a wealth of expertise to his new role, having previously served as the Leader of the Pakistan Delegation to the United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva.

Mushahid Hussain

His dedication to the cause of human rights was underscored in the year 2000 when he was honored with the designation of ‘Prisoner of Conscience’ by the prestigious London-based organization, Amnesty International.

This recognition was a result of his unjust and illegal detention, without charges, for an alarming 440 days—an unfortunate distinction that set him apart as the only Pakistani political prisoner to receive such acknowledgment at the time.

Beyond his commitments on the international stage, Senator Mushahid Hussain is the Convenor of the Pakistan Parliamentary Forum on PKR (Palestine, Kashmir & Rohingya).

Additionally, he serves on the Executive Board of the Istanbul-based ‘Al Quds Parliament,’ where he actively supports the Palestine Cause, reflecting his broader dedication to justice and human rights.

Senator Mushahid Hussain’s election as Vice President of the CHRP further solidifies his standing as a trailblazer in the realm of international human rights advocacy. His contributions to shaping the discourse on human rights issues and his commitment to the principles of justice and fairness make him an invaluable asset not only for Pakistan but for the global community striving to protect and promote human rights universally.

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