Naila Kiani:  National Goodwill Ambassador for Girls’ Education

Thu May 30 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Naila Kiani, Pakistan’s leading female high-altitude mountaineer, has been appointed as the National Goodwill Ambassador for Girls’ Education by the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training.

This appointment reflects her commitment to empowering girls from a young age through education, ensuring paths to opportunity and growth are created early in life. Kiani’s belief that true empowerment begins with education from a young age is underscored by her own experience of facing severe challenges in accessing quality education and working full-time night shifts to pay for her university fees.

Despite these hardships, she excelled academically, becoming an aerospace engineer and a banker. She believes that early education lays the foundation for lifelong growth, allowing girls to flourish and contribute meaningfully to their families, communities, and the nation.

In her role as ambassador, Kiani will raise awareness about the importance of starting girls’ education early, support federal and provincial government programs aimed at enhancing educational access and quality for girls, and inspire young girls across the nation to pursue their dreams and realize their full potential through education.

“I am deeply honored to be appointed as the National Goodwill Ambassador for Girls’ Education. My own journey has shown me that education is the key to unlocking opportunities and driving societal transformation. By focusing on early education, we can lay a strong foundation for lifelong growth and empowerment. I am committed to advocating initiatives that provide quality education to all girls, helping them to overcome challenges and achieve their dreams from a young age,” Kiani said.

Naila Kiani’s mountaineering achievements are a testament to her resilience and determination. She is the only Pakistani woman and the third Pakistani overall in history to have climbed 11 of the world’s 14 highest peaks above 8,000 meters. She is among the ten elite mountaineers worldwide, and the only Pakistani in history, to have climbed seven plus peaks above 8,000 meters in less than six months, in 2023. Furthermore, she is the fastest Pakistani, regardless of gender, to have climbed all eleven 8,000-meter peaks, which she did in less than three years. Kiani is also the only female athlete to receive Sitara-i-Imtiaz, the highest civilian honor given to any female athlete in Pakistan.

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