Naran Road Reopens for Tourists after Snow Clearance

Sat May 11 2024
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NARAN: After the snow clearance operations from roads in the tourist’s destination NARAN on Saturday, tourists could once again easily access to the beautiful and scenic area of Naran.

According to the spokesperson of Kaghan Development Authority (KDA), Moazam Ali, Naran Road was now fully operational for all traffic and tourists from Saturday morning-onward. He said that all the desiring tourists could now resume their journeys towards from and towards Naran, a popular destination in the region.

In addition, the local administration has scheduled cleaning operations for Saif-ul-Malook Road to be started from Sunday. Meanwhile, the National Highway Authority (NHA) has mobilized its machinery to start work on opening of the Babusar Top Road from Naran, which might take seven to eight days for complete clearance.

The spokesperson further stated that almost all hotels in Naran have resumed their operations. This reopening signals the resumption of regular tourism activities in the area. However, tourists are advised to exercise cautionary measures during their travels and prioritize responsible tourism practices.

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