National Dialogue, Need of the Hour

Thu Mar 23 2023
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Naveed Miraj

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The nation is celebrating the Golden Jubilee of the constitution of Pakistan — a unanimous document that provides a guarantee to hold the country united. Some fifty years ago, the nation, through the 1973 constitution, had pledged to run affairs of the federation in a democratic manner with the utmost satisfaction of all the federating units. But, things in Pakistan have gone awry. Both the ruling coalition parties and the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) have fallen prey to egoistic politics.

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The Imran Khan-led former federal government of the PTI exercised every political gimmick to foil and avoid the no-confidence motion of the opposition besides making an attempt to dissolve the national assembly, which was later restored by the Supreme Court in a suo-moto notice. Upon failing, the PTI went ahead to dissolve the provincial assemblies of Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP), where it had been ruling. The PTI move was aimed at compelling the federal government and provincial governments of Sindh and Balochistan to dissolve their respective assemblies to seek a fresh mandate.

On the other hand, the multiparty federal government led by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif is unwilling to hold general elections in Punjab and KP within 90 days of the dissolution of the provincial legislatures, which is a constitutional requirement. The federal government has refused to release necessary funds required for the elections citing the precarious economic situation in the country.

Moreover, the ministry of defence is also not willing to spare military personnel for static election duty in view of security issues along the borders and inside the country. Consequently, the Election Commission of Pakistan withdrew the announced polling schedule in Punjab and gave a new date of polling as 8the of October 2023. The earlier date for the election in Punjab was 30th April 2023. This development will surely open a whole new pandora’s box and likely to be challenged in the courts by the PTI.

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The postponement of elections has further augmented the political polarization that will further lead to aggravating the economic and security situation in the country. Law Minister Azam Nazir Tarar has called for a grand national dialogue among all stakeholders, including politicians, to bring down political heat. Likewise, Imran Khan too has reportedly agreed to sit with anyone to develop a consensus on a process that leads to elections.

Calling for a grand national dialogue seems a good move on part of the government to make headway to come out of the present stalemate. Leading constitution experts, analysts and democrats believe that sticking to the constitution is the only way forward to bring political stability in the country and to put it on the path of economic progress. It is time to cool down temperatures because if things keep going on a collision path, it may turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy and wrap up the entire democratic setup. The vox populi of the nation expects all stakeholders, including politicians, to sit at the dialogue table and chalk out a plan with consensus to end political confrontation and put a stop to any ultra-constitution move. This will be a major gift to the constitution on its Golden Jubilee.

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