Nawaz Sharif Directs Party Leaders to Accelerate Election Campaign in Punjab

Sat Mar 11 2023
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LAHORE: Chief of Pakistan Muslim League (N) Mian Nawaz Sharif has directed the party leaders to accelerate campaign in preparation for the upcoming general elections in Punjab.

During a video conference with senior party leaders, Nawaz Sharif instructed them to mobilize and prepare for the election campaign. He stressed that Punjab Assembly tickets would be given to party loyalists and strong candidates in their constituencies, reported local media on Saturday.

He emphasized the importance of exposing the irregularities and wrong decisions of the previous government led by Imran Khan and ridding the nation of what he called “temptations” like Khan.

Nawaz Sharif for ‘positive change’

Nawaz Sharif also urged party leaders to work together to expose the elements creating chaos in the country and bring about a positive change.

Sharif also praised the efforts of his daughter Maryam Nawaz in responding to Imran Khan and his facilitators and urged all party leaders to participate and cooperate with her in the election campaign fully.

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