NCRC, ILO on ‘World Day of Social Justice’ Calls For Collective Effort To Empower Individuals

Tue Feb 20 2024
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ISLAMABAD: On the World Day of Social Justice, Khalid Naeem, a member of the National Commission on the Rights of Children (NCRC), emphasized the importance of breaking down societal inequalities by providing better job opportunities and robust social protection.

Speaking with the state news channel, he underscored the day’s significance in promoting social justice and enabling individuals to realize their full potential. Naeem also highlighted this year’s theme, “Bridging Gaps, Building Alliances,” emphasizing the need for collaborative efforts to address global challenges.

Geir Thomas Tonstol, Country Director of the International Labour Organization (ILO), echoed the call for comprehensive social protection, stressing its role in fostering social justice and sustainable development.

In addition, Tonstol noted that over 4 billion people worldwide do not have any form of social protection and that to ensure social justice, decent labor, and a resilient and sustainable future for children, we must acknowledge the importance of effective and comprehensive social protection. He said that the great majority of children still lack adequate social protection coverage globally.

He said, “We want to build a global momentum to support the prevention and reduction of inequality and to make sure that social justice is given top priority in development cooperation, financial, trade, and investment agreements, as well as national and international policy-making and activities.”

He stated, “Let us grab this opportunity and work towards creating equal and resilient societies that can support enduring peace and social justice.” We have the power to change the course of history. –APP

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