Near Miss on M2 Motorway: Dense Fog Causes Multi-Vehicle Pileup

Sun Mar 03 2024
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KALAR KAHAR. Pakistan: A harrowing incident unfolded on the M2 motorway near the Kalar Kahar Range in Pakistan on Saturday.

Dense fog descended upon the area, causing a chain reaction accident involving nearly 200 vehicles. Thankfully, reports indicate no fatalities.

The sudden reduction in visibility due to fog resulted in drivers being unable to stop in time, leading to a series of collisions. While the exact cause of the accident is still under investigation, the sheer number of vehicles involved highlights the dangers posed by unpredictable weather conditions.

Meanwhile, in the nearby city of Jehlum, a sudden downpour transformed into a cloud burst. While details about the extent of the damage in Jehlum are still emerging, the incident serves as a reminder of the erratic weather patterns currently affecting Pakistan.

In the aftermath of the M2 motorway accident, local residents displayed remarkable compassion. They rushed to the aid of stranded motorists, assisting those with damaged vehicles and ensuring their safety. Their quick response helped to mitigate the potential impact of the accident.

This event underscores the importance of driver caution during periods of low visibility. Motorists are advised to adjust their speed, maintain a safe distance from other vehicles, and use headlights appropriately in foggy conditions.



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