New UN-backed Agreement Set to Ensure Clean, Drug-Free Sport

Tue Oct 03 2023
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UNITED NATIONS: The UN World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) have renewed their commitment to promote drug-free sport through a four-year agreement signed in Geneva.

This memorandum of understanding (MOU) establishes a platform for experts from both international organizations to collaborate and exchange information on areas where anti-doping measures intersect with public health concerns.

The agreement outlines a framework to advance objectives related to health promotion, substance abuse prevention, and addressing emerging drugs, all while fostering a culture of clean and equitable competition.

Witold Banka, President of WADA, hailed this agreement as a pivotal moment to significantly benefit anti-doping efforts globally.

He explained that one of the criteria for a substance to be added to the prohibited list is if it poses an actual or potential health risk to athletes.

With this partnership between WADA and WHO, experts from both entities will collaborate to share information about emerging substances and strengthen scientific positions. Ultimately, this collaboration will not only benefit athletes but also society as a whole.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus emphasized how competitive sports inspire people worldwide to lead active and healthier lives, contributing to overall well-being.

He pointed out that the use of performance-enhancing substances can harm athletes and the integrity of sports, affecting those who view athletes as role models. Therefore, ensuring the cleanliness of sports has wide-ranging benefits beyond the sports arena, promoting the health and well-being of individuals and societies everywhere.

The MOU, which remains in effect until October 2027, encompasses various themes, including preventing and assessing health risks associated with using psychoactive substances and related disorders.

Both organizations will undertake educational initiatives with the support of goodwill ambassadors and influencers to drive positive change.

They will also collaborate on addressing substandard and falsified medical products, including identifying new emerging psychoactive drugs through information sharing, mutual support, and engagement with sports federations. Additionally, they will report on abuse and misuse of falsified and substandard medical products in sports.

Furthermore, this MOU aligns with the common objective of both organizations to ensure healthy lives and well-being for all people, as outlined in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by world leaders in 2015. Agenda 2030 serves as a blueprint for a more just and equitable future that benefits individuals and the natural environment. —APP

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