Niger Military Chief Backs Coup Leaders, President Bazoum Defiant Amid Turmoil

Thu Jul 27 2023
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NIAMEY: The armed forces chief of Niger declared his support for the troops who claimed to have seized power in a coup, despite President Mohamed Bazoum’s defiance. The coup attempt has plunged the coup-prone Sahel region into turmoil, and international reactions have been swift, with condemnation and calls for the release of President Bazoum.

The coup attempt unfolded on Wednesday when members of President Bazoum’s presidential guard confined him, and their leaders, calling themselves the Defence and Security Forces (FDS), declared the suspension of all institutions, closed borders, and imposed a night-time curfew.

In response, President Bazoum stood firm, vowing to safeguard the hard-won gains of democracy and freedom for all Niger citizens. Foreign Minister Hassoumi Massoudou asserted that the “legal and legitimate power” lies with the elected president and urged the fractious soldiers to return to their ranks.

However, hopes for a peaceful resolution were dealt a blow as the armed forces chief, General Abdou Sidikou Issa, announced his support for the coup leaders’ declaration to avoid a deadly confrontation between the forces.

Global Backlash After Niger Coup Attempt

The coup attempt has prompted regional and international backlash, with condemnation from the African Union, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and global leaders. The situation remains tense as the coup leaders, 10 men in military uniform led by Colonel-Major Amadou Abdramane, continue to hold power.

Niger, one of the world’s poorest and most unstable countries, has a history of coup attempts, and this latest incident threatens to exacerbate the already challenging security and humanitarian situation. President Bazoum’s defiance and the coup attempt have drawn global attention and concern, with many leaders calling for a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

The international community is closely monitoring the situation in Niger, given its strategic location in the Sahel region, which has witnessed jihadist insurgency and coups in recent years. Niger’s stability is of paramount importance to regional and global partners, and efforts to mediate and resolve the crisis are ongoing.

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