Night-Time Political Gathering Banned in Pakistan’s Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa  

Fri Aug 04 2023
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PESHAWAR: The recent wave of terrorism has made government to put in place safety measures for public and politicians alike and the first step is banning the night-time gatherings.

The security guidelines from Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Home Department made it clear that political gatherings would be held during the day and they should follow a time limit.

The document from the Home Department has a list of procedures that should be taken into consideration by all the political parties planning their political campaigns.

Sensitising the workers of the prevailing threats and safety measures is responsibility of the political party and all parties should get ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the local administration.

The programme for all political gatherings should be made available to district administration officials so that appropriate steps are in place for safety of public and politicians alike.

It should include the names of the leadership besides expected number of participants.

The document from the home department has also asked the political leadership to submit an affidavit to the effect that no road or street shall be blocked as it causes public inconvenience.

The document also gave directions that no meetings by different political parties should take place on the same date, time and venue or at a place adjacent to the venue. The permission is subjected to clearance from law-enforcement agencies. The NOC for holding meetings or political gatherings should be issued by the relevant deputy commissioner after observing all formalities.

The corner meetings of the political parties should be held in closed door premises and information should be given to the administration priorly for provision of security.

The notification also directs political activities should not be held in government premises or semi-government or autonomous bodies, playgrounds, squares and roads.

Loudspeakers will be allowed for political gatherings at identified venues where gathering is expected in large number but loudspeakers should not be used near places of worship, hospitals and educational institutions.

The notification also gives directives that no hate speech will be allowed and any attempt to incite violence in public will result in stern administrative and legal actions.

Political leaders have also been advised that they should refrain from derogatory language and personal attacks on each other during speeches at rallies and should also direct their workers not to do it.

The home department said that the security of political leaders and activists should be their own responsibility, while police will be responsible for the overall security of the venue and the general public.

The document also gives out details as who gets personal security and makes it clear that individuals who have cases specifically approved by the provincial, divisional and at district level will be addressed.

The political leaders can deploy uniformed private security guards having valid licensed arms with them for their security but the detailed information of such guards and weapons should be registered with the relevant police station and the police officers.

The directions on Video recording of meetings and political gatherings or processions is responsibility of the organisers and it should be provided to the relevant police station.

The SOPs, according to the notification, are complementary and any other guidelines issued by the Election Commission of Pakistan or any other authority, institution of the government should also be adopted forthwith.

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