Nihao China 2024: China Ice & Snow Tourism Promotion Season Begins in Pakistan

Wed Dec 27 2023
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ISLAMABAD: To welcome the Winter, Nihao China (Hello China) 2024, Ice & Snow Tourism Overseas Promotion Season has been launched by the China Cultural Centre in Pakistan in collaboration with the Culture Office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Pakistan, the Network of International Cultural link Entities, the cultural and tourism departments (bureaus) from Beijing, Tianjin, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia.

The event would go through the end of January 2024, where a number of promotional videos, documentaries, and exhibitions would presented at the China Cultural Centre on Pakistan’s official Facebook page (, and Official WeChat, Twitter Account of Cultural Counsellor and other relevant platforms. 

The purpose of the event is to promote China’s national tourist image via a selection of videos, documentaries, virtual exhibitions, and photography exhibitions. 

Nihao China 2024, China, Ice, Snow, Tourism, Overseas, Promotion, Pakistan

Ice and Snow Tourism Season

Meanwhile, Xinjiang, Liaoning, and Heilongjiang Overseas Promotion Week would include theme videos and exhibitions focusing on unique ice and snow resources and culture, presenting the beautiful scenery and cultural charm of the three provinces. In addition, the Ice and Snow cultures of Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, and Jilin would also remain an integral part of the event. 

The “Building Dreams in Ice and Snow” theme activities are designed to symbolize the development concept of “Ice and Snow, Golden and Silver Mountains.” The project emphasizes in boosting the “hot” economy of culture and tourism in the region. It highlights China’s unique ice and snow tourism abroad, encourages cultural interchange, and supports high-quality and environmentally friendly development.

The event also aims to help the Pakistani audience and netizens from around the world to have a deeper appreciation for China’s ice and snow culture and tourism, which would encourage them to visit China and experience the mesmerizing beauty of the region. 

The China Cultural Centre also extends its invitation to all and sundry to participate in the Nihao! China (Hello China) 2024 Ice and Snow Overseas Promotion Season, and let’s continue the stories of snow and ice together as they formally usher in winter! For more details, the centre account can be visited at

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