No Power on Earth Can Crush Kashmiri’s Struggle for Freedom: Solangi

Fri Oct 27 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Murtaza Solangi, interim Caretaker Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting, on Friday, said that the Kashmiri freedom movement for the right to self-determination, as promised by the United Nations in multiple resolutions, cannot be crushed by any force on Earth.

Addressing the participants of a rally held in commemoration of October 27, known as the “black day,” to protest the unlawful Indian occupation of the then princely state in 1947, the minister highlighted the enduring history of oppression endured by the Kashmiri people.

He emphasized that on this fateful day in 1947, India deployed its troops in the valley, violating international law. The minister expressed his disappointment that despite being champions of human rights and democracy, individuals and nations who usually speak out against injustice worldwide remained silent in the face of the Kashmiri people’s suffering under the Indian occupation forces.

Murtaza Solangi said that the desire for freedom among the Kashmiri populace has grown significantly due to the escalating repression. As tyranny and repression have intensified, he asserted, the Kashmiri people’s yearning for freedom has gained more momentum.

The minister pointed out that India had blatantly disregarded UN Security Council resolutions and violated its constitution by denying the Kashmiri people the right to self-determination.

He stressed that to achieve lasting global peace, working towards a just resolution of the Kashmir conflict is essential. —APP

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