North Korea Launches Ballistic Missiles Amid Tensions

Mon Jul 01 2024
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SEOUL, South Korea: North Korea conducted two ballistic missile launches on Monday, confirmed by South Korea’s military. The first missile, identified as a short-range ballistic missile, was fired in the early morning, followed by a second missile ten minutes later, whose type remains unidentified.

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff stated they have heightened surveillance and alertness in anticipation of additional launches, sharing information with the United States and Japan. The launches were not immediately confirmed by North Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

Recent tensions between North and South Korea have escalated with North Korea’s continued missile tests and provocative actions, including sending balloons containing propaganda towards the South. In response, South Korea has suspended a military treaty aimed at reducing tensions, resumed propaganda broadcasts, and conducted live-fire drills near the border.

The relationship between North Korea and Russia has also raised concerns, with accusations that North Korea has violated international arms control agreements by supplying weapons to Russia during its conflict with Ukraine. A summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Russian President Vladimir Putin in June further underscored these warming ties.

Pyongyang has condemned joint military exercises between South Korea, Japan, and the United States, labeling them as preparations for an invasion and warning of severe consequences. However, South Korea insists these exercises are defensive in nature and have been conducted regularly for years.

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