North Korea’s Kim Gets White House, Pentagon Photos Taken by Spy Satellite

Tue Nov 28 2023
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SEOUL: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has received photographs of the White House, Pentagon and US aircraft carriers in the naval base of Norfolk, captured by its recently launched spy satellite, state media reported on Tuesday.

North Korea last week successfully launched its first satellite, which was designed to monitor US and South Korean military activities.

The photos were the latest images of the major target regions sent by the satellite, including the Seoul and US military bases.

Kim inspected satellite photos of US shipyard, air base

Kim also inspected satellite photos of US shipyard and air base in Norfolk and Newport along with the Andersen Air Force Base in the US Western Pacific territory of Guam.

Korean media said a total of four nuclear-powered air carriers and a British air carrier were spotted in the pictures.

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The US and South Korea have strongly denounced the satellite launch as a violation of UN Security Council resolutions banning any use of ballistic technology.

South Korean officials have said the North’s satellite abilities could not be verified as it has not released the photos.

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