OIC Chief Calls for Urgent Intervention in Gaza Crisis, Erdogan Urges Unified Action

Wed Dec 06 2023
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ISTANBUL: The 39th Session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC) commenced in Istanbul, inaugurated by the President of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The ceremony brought together the OIC Secretary-General, along with ministers from member states, addressing crucial economic and geopolitical issues.

In his opening statement, President Erdogan emphasized the urgent need for a unified position among OIC Member States to address the pressing challenges facing the Muslim Ummah. He underscored the severity of the situation in Gaza, condemning Israel’s actions and expressing concern over the escalating trend of Islamophobia.

President Erdogan also stressed the importance of implementing the Trade Preferential System among OIC Member States, supporting the OIC Arbitration Centre, and promoting sustainable socio-economic growth through the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and halal industries.

The Secretary-General of the OIC, Hissein Brahim Taha, acknowledged President Erdogan’s continued support for various economic programs and projects. Secretary-General Taha called upon the international community to urgently intervene in the Gaza crisis, condemning Israel’s aggression and the tragic loss of Palestinian lives.

OIC Chief Highlights Activities in Economic Domain

The OIC Chief highlighted the OIC’s activities in the economic domain over the past year and urged enhanced intra-OIC cooperation, especially in the food and agriculture sector, to build resilient food systems and develop domestic production capacities.

Ministers in charge of trade from Qatar, Senegal, and Kazakhstan, representing Arab, African, and Asian groups, also addressed the Opening Ceremony. They emphasized the need for greater cooperation and synergy to address the developmental challenges faced by OIC Member States.

The 39th COMCEC Session, attended by ministers responsible for trade and economy from OIC Member States, OIC institutions, and international organizations, will review the status of various projects in trade and investment, agriculture, tourism, financial development, private sector initiatives, and poverty alleviation. The theme for this session is “Improving E-Commerce Capacities of the OIC Member Countries,” reflecting the organization’s focus on enhancing economic collaboration and development.

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