OIC Condemns Israeli Extremist Settlers’ Crimes Against Palestinians

Mon Apr 15 2024
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JEDDAH: The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) strongly condemned the escalating incidents of daily crimes and organized terrorism perpetrated by extremist settler groups, backed by Israeli occupation forces.

These acts include indiscriminate firing at Palestinian civilians, destruction of property, and arson attacks on homes, vehicles, and agricultural lands across various villages in the West Bank. These attacks have resulted in the deaths and injuries of various Palestinians.

The OIC statement read that it considers these acts as an extension of Israel’s blatant aggression against the Palestinian people, which violates international humanitarian law.

The OIC placed full responsibility for these ongoing crimes and attacks on the Israeli occupation forcesm the statement further stated.

Moreover, it called upon the international community, particularly the Security Council, to fulfill its responsibility by providing international protection to the Palestinian people. This protection should ensure an immediate and complete halt to the ongoing aggression against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Al-Quds Al-Sharif (Jerusalem).

Furthermore, the OIC urged the international community to hold the Israeli occupation accountable for all crimes committed against Palestinians, their land, and their holy sites.


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