OIC Condemns Storming of Qatar’s Embassy in Sudan

Sun May 21 2023
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JEDDAH: The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) General Secretariat issued a strong condemnation on Sunday regarding the storming and vandalizing of the Embassy of the State of Qatar in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan.

The OIC General Secretariat expressed its deep concern over the repeated incidents targeting diplomatic premises and emphasized the importance of respecting the inviolability of diplomatic buildings.

OIC called for providing the necessary protection for diplomatic premises and diplomats, as well as adherence to international agreements, particularly the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

The OIC General Secretariat underscored the significance of upholding diplomatic immunity and ensuring the safety and security of diplomatic missions. Such acts of aggression not only violate international norms but also pose a threat to the stability and integrity of diplomatic relations among nations.

The storming and vandalizing of Qatar’s embassy in Khartoum is a serious violation of diplomatic protocols and a breach of the principles of international law. The OIC General Secretariat urged all parties to exercise restraint, engage in constructive dialogue, and work towards resolving any disputes through peaceful means and in accordance with international legal frameworks.

It is essential for all countries to uphold their commitments and obligations under the Vienna Convention and other relevant international treaties.

OIC Experts Discuss Draft Plan for Persons with Disabilities

Meanwhile, the OIC General Secretariat convened a two-day open-ended meeting of the International Group of Experts at its headquarters in Jeddah on May 21, 2023, to deliberate on the OIC Plan of Action for the protection and integration of persons with disabilities.

The meeting focused on reviewing the draft OIC Plan of Action on disability, which was prepared by the Statistical, Economic Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) and presented at the 1st Ministerial Meeting on Social Development in Istanbul in 2019. This initiative was in line with the resolution of the 42nd session of the Council of Foreign Ministers on cultural, social, and family affairs held in Kuwait in 2015.

During the meeting, Ambassador Tarig Bakheet, the OIC Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian, Cultural, and Social Affairs, emphasized the significance of discussing and finalizing the OIC Plan of Action on persons with disabilities before its submission and adoption at the 2nd ministerial meeting on social development in Egypt on June 5-6, 2023, and the subsequent session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers. Ambassador Bakheet highlighted that the meeting provided an opportunity to address implementation mechanisms, exchange experiences, and identify challenges faced by the Muslim world regarding the empowerment and integration of persons with disabilities.

Furthermore, Ambassador Bakheet underscored the comprehensive nature of the OIC’s work, which encompasses both political and social affairs. He emphasized that the organization’s attention to social issues aligns with its objective of promoting sustainable development and improving the overall well-being of the Muslim Ummah, as outlined in the communique of the 14th Islamic Summit held in Makkah in 2019.

The meeting served as a platform for experts to discuss ways to implement the Plan of Action effectively and explore strategies for empowering individuals with disabilities within the Muslim world. By promoting inclusivity and integration, the OIC aims to enhance the lives of people with disabilities and contribute to the sustainable development of member states.

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