OIC Restate Commitment for Sustained Support to UN Alliance of Civilizations

Wed Nov 23 2022
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OIC Secretary General underlines the enhanced significance of the OIC and UN Alliance of Civilizations partnership

‏The Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), H.E. Hissein Brahim Taha highlighted the growing importance of the relationship between the OIC and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations World Forum.

n a statement delivered on his behalf by Ambassador Tarig Ali Bakheet, Undersecretary General for Human Welfare, Social Affairs, and Culture, on 22 November 2022 at the Ministerial High Level of the International Conference the ninth edition of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations held in Fez, Kingdom of Morocco, the Secretary-General is grateful for the intention of the Kingdom of Morocco to support the ninth edition of the Forum.

He, Taha pointed out that the Conference provides the international community with a unique platform to develop joint plans and strengthen the many relationships supported and shared by the OIC.

Read Also: OIC Denounces Israel’s Closure of Ibrahimi Mosque

In other words, the Secretary-General pointed to a new type of Islamophobic feeling and behavior, racism, xenophobia, and discrimination which is unfortunately on the rise in some areas of the world, emphasizing that these activities that inspire hatred can only be expelled from working hard to make the different countries of our world aware of the value and virtues of many civilizations and to pursue cultural and social relations.

H.E. Taha said that the group of friends of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations will continue to play its main role as a clearing house, a promoter, and a supporter of this very important culture of dialogue.

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