OIC Special Envoy Meets Iranian Foreign Minister to Strengthen Ties

Wed Aug 16 2023
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JEDDAH: The Special Envoy of the OIC Secretary-General for Afghanistan, Tarig Ali Bakheet, met with the Iranian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hossein Amir Abdullah, in Tehran on Wednesday.

Hossein Amir Abdullahian warmly welcomed Ambassador Tarig Ali Bakheet, who also serves as the Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian, Cultural, and Social Affairs.

The Special Envoy delivered a written message from the Secretary-General to the Iranian Foreign Minister and expressed profound appreciation for Iran’s active participation in the activities and meetings of the Organization following the reopening of the Iranian Permanent Mission to the OIC.

Bakheet had the honor of personally delivering a written message from the Secretary-General. The missive carried significant weight, encapsulating the essence of cooperation and a shared purpose.

Iran and OIC Cooperation on Afghanistan

The Secretary-General’s letter underscored the OIC’s steadfast efforts to provide extensive support to Afghanistan, aligned with the resolute resolutions set forth by the Council of Foreign Ministers. These initiatives bear testament to the OIC’s dedication to addressing the multifaceted challenges that confront Afghanistan.

In response to this momentous message, the Foreign Minister of Iran conveyed his heartfelt appreciation for the OIC’s relentless endeavors pertaining to Afghanistan. Recognizing the immense humanitarian and political implications surrounding the Afghan situation, Iran pledged its support.

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