OIC Welcomes UNSC Resolution, Calls for Immediate Implementation

Sun Dec 24 2023
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JEDDAH: The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) welcomed the UN Security Council Resolution No. 2720, which demands, among other things, urgent measures to be taken to allow immediate, safe, expanded, and unimpeded delivery of humanitarian assistance and to create the necessary conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities.

The OIC considers the resolution an important measure that requires immediate implementation.

The OIC also called on the global community, particularly the UN Security Council, to force the occupying power, Israel, to comply immediately and fully with the provisions of this resolution, ensure the delivery of humanitarian assistance, protect civilians and workers in the media, humanitarian, and medical fields, and reject the plan for the forced displacement of the Palestinian people.

OIC Renews Call to Stop Israeli Military Aggression

The OIC also renewed its call to end this brutal Israeli military aggression and the crimes of genocide, destruction, and displacement perpetrated by the Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinian people throughout the Palestinian territories, particularly in the Gaza Strip.


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