Oman Urges UN to Fulfill ‘Moral Duty’ in Resolving Palestine Issue

Sun Sep 24 2023
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NEW YORK: Oman’s Foreign Minister, Sayyid Badr Al-Busaidi, addressed the 78th UN General Assembly in New York City, emphasizing the United Nations’ “moral duty” to resolve the Palestine issue through a two-state solution. Al-Busaidi described the Palestinian issue as a long-standing injustice spanning over 70 years and highlighted the unwavering determination of the Palestinian people in the face of Israeli occupation, embargoes, abuses, violations of international law, and Security Council resolutions.

Oman’s commitment to justice, equity, and respect for the UN Charter leads the country to support the two-state solution as the only viable resolution to the Palestine question. Al-Busaidi appealed to all nations to remain attached to the UN system for dispute settlement and conflict resolution, stressing that the UN has a responsibility to end the suffering of the Palestinian people. He reiterated that this can only be achieved through Israel’s withdrawal to the June 1967 borders and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The Omani Foreign Minister also addressed the Russia-Ukraine conflict, highlighting its painful humanitarian consequences and the challenges it poses to international peace and global supply systems. He called for dialogue and peace negotiations between the parties based on the principles of non-harm, state sovereignty, and good neighborliness.

Oman’s Green Targets as Part of 2040 Vision

Al-Busaidi outlined Oman’s green targets as part of the Oman 2040 Vision, aiming for net-zero emissions by 2050. He mentioned Oman’s participation in COP28 hosted by the UAE later this year to promote sustainable development. The modernization of education systems is a key component of Oman’s Vision 2040.

Furthermore, the sultanate hosted a global ministerial meeting on health preparedness as part of its post-pandemic strategy. Al-Busaidi stressed the importance of early preparation to reduce public health risks and invited other states to engage in joint research for anti-pandemic measures.

Oman aspires to strengthen and promote human rights instruments to foster an international community that respects human dignity. The Foreign Minister condemned incitement of violence and hatred and called for clear legislation to criminalize such behavior. Discrimination based on religion, creed, or race was highlighted as a threat to social peace, security, and national stability.

Al-Busaidi concluded his address by urging the international community to uphold the principles of peace and justice, emphasizing the need for confidence-building, trust between states, and prosperous partnerships among nations.

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