Omar Ayub Steps Down as PTI Secretary General After Differences in Party Ranks

Thu Jun 27 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s opposition leader Omar Ayub has resigned as secretary general of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) following workers accused the party leadership of cowardice for not initiating protests for the release of jailed Imran Khan.

In a letter, posted on X, addressed to PTI founder Imran Khan, Ayub announced his resignation, citing his inability to fulfill his responsibilities adequately while serving as party secretary general.

“I am grateful to the founder PTI for accepting the resignation as Secretary General,” he wrote on his social media post.

He informed that he tendered his resignation to PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan on June 22, with the message conveyed to Imran Khan through Shibli Faraz, who met the founder chief in jail recently.

Ayub emphasized that further organizational changes within PTI will be implemented as directed by Imran Khan. He acknowledged his role as opposition leader in the National Assembly hindered his effectiveness in the party’s administrative role.

Earlier today, PTI workers gathered outside the District Court in Islamabad following the rejection of appeals in the unlawful marriage case involving Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi. The workers, particularly from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, expressed discontent and accused the party leadership of cowardice for not initiating protests.

Omar Ayub and other PTI leaders, including Senator Faisal Javed Khan, faced the ire of the protestors as they exited the court premises. Senator Azam Swati joined the demonstrators, chanting slogans and distancing himself from the party leadership amid growing agitation.

While Ayub pledged to challenge the court’s decision in the High Court, tensions escalated with workers demanding immediate protests. The crowd surrounded Ayub, pressing him to call for demonstrations to secure the release of Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi.

The situation became heated, with confrontations and verbal exchanges prompting Ayub to retreat to his official vehicle for safety. The protestors insisted on a robust response from PTI leadership, underscoring their determination to seek justice for their incarcerated leaders.

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