Orthopedic Workshop for Physically Handicapped Children Inaugurated

Wed Dec 14 2022
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Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Mian Riaz Hussain Pirzada, Federal Minister for Human Rights, inaugurated the Orthopedic Workshop for Physically Handicapped Children on Wednesday.

Representatives of the ministry of human rights, government officials, NGOs, and social workers attended the inauguration ceremony of the workshop arranged by the Directorate General of Special Education (DGSE) at the National Special Education Centre.

Artificial limbs, prosthetics, orthotic devices to transform lives of people with disabilities

While speaking at the event, chief guest Mian Riaz Hussain Pirzada said that persons with disabilities were facing challenges linked to accessibility, empowerment, rehabilitation, and inclusion.

He admired the efforts of the Directorate General of Special Education for persons with disabilities and welcomed such initiatives by the Directorate General SE. He said that the provision of artificial limbs, prosthetics, and orthotic devices would be life-changing for children and adults with physical impairment & deformity.

The minister emphasized the need to expand such services and provide state-of-the-art and world-class facilities to persons with disabilities. He also discussed the need for new avenues and projects to assist persons with disabilities.

Director General of Special Education, Sheikh Azhar Sajjad said in his welcome address that the DGSE and its allied institutions were engaged in the rehabilitation, education, and training of PWDs/CWDs. He said the organizations were also improving their current capacity to uplift the living standards and functional mobility of people with disabilities.

He added that DGSE was working for the training and capacity building of professionals, teachers, and supporting staff in the area of special education.

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