Over 20,000 Gaza Children Estimated to be Lost, Disappeared, Detained: Report

Tue Jun 25 2024
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GAZA: Save the Children reports that up to 21,000 children are feared missing amidst the chaos of the Gaza conflict, with many believed trapped under debris, detained, or buried anonymously.

The agency’s child protection teams highlight that recent displacements in Rafah have worsened the situation, separating more children and placing immense strain on families and communities caring for them.

Collecting accurate information in Gaza’s current conditions is nearly impossible, but it’s estimated that around 17,000 children are unaccompanied or separated, with approximately 4,000 possibly buried under rubble or in mass graves. Additionally, there are reports of children forcibly disappearing, including those detained and moved out of Gaza, their locations unknown to their families amid allegations of mistreatment.

Save the Children emphasizes the urgent need to protect these vulnerable children, though the deteriorating security situation severely hampers their efforts. A specialist from Save the Children in Gaza laments the daily challenges of finding and supporting unaccompanied children, citing the lack of safe facilities and ongoing hostilities that hinder family reunification.

Recent attacks in Rafah have resulted in mass casualties, with reports of horrific incidents where individuals were trapped and burned alive in plastic tents. Identifying bodies has become exceedingly difficult due to the scale of family losses and restrictions preventing necessary equipment and expertise from entering Gaza.

According to Gaza’s Ministry of Health, over 14,000 children have perished since October, with many remaining unidentified due to the extent of their injuries. Disturbingly, children are among those discovered in mass graves, showing signs of torture and possible summary executions.

Meanwhile, the situation extends beyond Gaza, with reports of Palestinian children missing in the Israeli military detention system, and allegations of mass detentions and ill-treatment affecting thousands, including children.

Save the Children’s Regional Director for the Middle East, Jeremy Stoner, stresses the anguish of families uncertain about their loved ones’ whereabouts, condemning the appalling conditions where parents search rubble and graves for their children. He insists on the need for a ceasefire to locate and aid missing children, prevent further family tragedies, and ensure accountability for those responsible.

Save the Children calls on the UK Government to take immediate action to protect children’s lives, including halting the transfer of weapons and ammunition to both Israel and Palestinian armed groups. The organization has been actively supporting Palestinian children since 1953 through essential services and partnerships, including child protection, psychosocial support, and health and nutrition assistance.

The plight of children in Gaza has become increasingly dire, with thousands missing and their fates uncertain. Save the Children urges for an independent investigation into these tragedies and demands accountability for those involved, stressing the necessity of safeguarding children in conflict zones and ensuring they are reunited with their families or respectfully laid to rest.

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