Over 31,000 Palestinians Killed in Israeli Offensive on Gaza Since Oct 7

Sun Mar 17 2024
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GAZA: The health ministry in Gaza announced on Sunday that the toll from Israel’s offensive on the besieged Gaza Strip has risen to at least 31,645 fatalities since the conflict began over five months ago. According to the ministry, 92 Palestinians were killed in the previous 24 hours alone, with 73,676 people wounded since October 7.

Efforts to broker a ceasefire and negotiate the exchange of hostages for prisoners have been unsuccessful despite increasing international pressure to address the human toll of Israel’s ground and air assault on Gaza.

Looming Famine in Gaza

While some aid is being delivered via airdrops and by sea, experts, NGOs, and residents argue that the assistance provided is insufficient to meet the needs of the millions of Palestinians affected by the conflict.

Displaced Palestinian Zahr Saqr described the dire situation, stating that while aid efforts are appreciated, they are merely a drop in the ocean compared to the overwhelming need in the region. Airdrops have led to chaos, with several casualties reported due to falling pallets when parachutes failed to deploy.

Residents like Wael Miqdad from Khan Younis emphasized the inadequacy of aid delivery methods, noting that previous attempts have resulted in disputes and even tragic incidents where children drowned in the sea while attempting to access aid.

Aid agencies have warned that nearly 600,000 people in Gaza are on the brink of famine due to the severe humanitarian crisis. Displaced Palestinian Iman Wadi echoed this sentiment, expressing frustration over the scarcity of aid and the desperate living conditions endured by the population.


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