Over 60,000 Worshipers Pray Tarawih at Al Aqsa Despite Restrictions

Sun Mar 17 2024
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OCCUPIED JERUSALEM: On Saturday, thousands of Palestinians performed the Taraweeh prayer in Al-Aqsa Mosque, despite the Israeli occupation restrictions.

The Islamic endowments department said that despite the restrictive measures of the occupying forces, 60,000 believers performed Isha and Taraweeh prayers in Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Witnesses reported that as worshipers entered Al-Aqsa Mosque for Taraweeh prayers, occupation forces attacked youths at the Lion’s Gate and also prevented many youths from entering.

Israeli occupying policies, including preventing Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip from reaching the occupied Jerusalem, as well as blocking Palestinians from many areas, including the establishment of more than 30 checkpoints at various entrances have reduced the number of worshippers to the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

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