Pak Army: Cultivating Growth, Not Grabbing Land

Wed May 01 2024
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Naveed Miraj

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Detractors and the enemy, especially across the border in India, never miss any opportunity to unleash a propaganda campaign against the Pakistan Army. It is understandable, as the enemy cannot compete with our armed forces on the battlefield; hence, it resorts to such fifth-generation misinformation campaigns to tarnish the image of Pakistan and its forces.

Hence, it becomes imperative to put things in the right perspective. The latest propaganda narrative against the Pakistan Army is that it is involved in grabbing land for its own benefit. However, a closer examination reveals a different story — one that underscores the army’s commitment to national development and economic growth.

From the platform of the Special Investment Facilitation Council, both the civilian and military leadership are working hand in hand to promote key sectors and bring investment in them, and one of them is agriculture which is the backbone of our economy and whose robustness is of immense importance to ensure food security and inclusive growth, given the fact that majority of our population still lives in the rural areas.

In this context, the recent allocation of land to the Army for cultivation purposes should be viewed as a strategic move to rapidly increase food production and bolster the nation’s self-sufficiency in agriculture. Contrary to the misleading propaganda, the government has merely leased to the Army the barren and unproductive land including the challenging terrain in South Waziristan. Hence this strategic move will help the country bring more area under cultivation which will enhance our agriculture productivity, with the ultimate beneficiaries being the farmers and the country as a whole.

Pakistan’s ranking of 102 out of 125 nations in the 2023 Global Hunger Index, indicates a serious level of hunger in the country and the detractors seem more focused on undermining efforts aimed at addressing this critical issue rather than acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

Pakistan Army is recognized as one of the most disciplined and professional forces in the world. The latest acknowledgment came from the British Army Chief who hailed the honesty and integrity of the Pakistan Army and its leadership. In the midst of a dire economic situation, silence is not an option; proactive measures are necessary to prevent further deterioration. This is evident in the deep engagement of Army Chief Syed Asim Munir with friendly countries, particularly Saudi Arabia, to attract investment to Pakistan. Thanks to his efforts, the country anticipates significant investment from KSA, including in the agriculture sector.

Pak army

It is also worth noting that military involvement in agriculture is not unique to Pakistan. In several countries, including the United States and China, armed forces have actively supported agricultural initiatives to bolster national food security and economic stability. In remote or underdeveloped regions, the Chinese military has been known to engage in territorial farming activities. Soldiers stationed in these areas cultivate land to produce food for themselves and local communities, contributing to food security in these regions.

The US military has supported the development of agricultural infrastructure, such as irrigation systems, roads, and market facilities. In Indonesia also, military research institutions conduct studies and research projects related to agriculture. This can include research on crop varieties, pest management, soil conservation and other areas of agriculture science to improve farming practices and increase yields. Therefore, portraying endeavors on the part of the Pakistan Army as unusual or unwarranted is both misleading and unjustified.

The entire Pakistani nation values the contributions of the Pakistan Army and no sort of smear campaign against it can tarnish its image in the eyes of the public.

Rather than engaging in smear campaigns, it would be more prudent for adversaries to focus on addressing their own shortcomings and preparing to face Pakistan’s armed forces on the battlefield, where their professionalism and dedication have always stood firm in defense of the nation. But before any misadventure, never forget the February 2019 dog fight.


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