Pakistan Asks India to End Atrocities Against Indian Muslims, Christians, Kashmiris

Thu Jun 15 2023
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UNITED NATIONS: Pakistan has expressed concerns to the UN General Assembly about India’s targeting of Indian Muslims, Christians, and Muslims in occupied Kashmir and urged them to end their violent repression.

India’s prime minister is scheduled to visit the United States later this month. “To those ready today to open their doors to the Prime Minister of India, we urge that they call for a halt to India’s oppression and atrocities,” Ambassador Munir Akram said in a speech during a debate on ‘Culture of Peace’ on Wednesday.

“Their silence diminishes their stature and exposes their real commitments to universal human values and human rights as being hollow and hypocritical,” the Pakistani envoy told the 193-member Assembly.

U.S. President Joe Biden is set to host Prime Minister Narendra Modi for a state visit on Jun 22.

In his remarks, noted for their depth and sweep, Ambassador Akram pointed out that recent times have witnessed a significant rise in hate, discrimination, xenophobia, and organized violence against individuals, communities, and nations due to their differences in cultures, nationalities, religions, or races.

“The most adverse development in the context is the proliferation of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hate and hostility, especially after the terrorist attacks 9/11,” he said.

Several instances of military intervention, in which hundreds of thousands of Muslims have perished, would not have happened if Islamophobia had not influenced perceptions and decisions, the Pakistani envoy said, noting that the world is now dealing with the consequences of those mistakes.

“The resolution of the consequent conflicts and tensions in Asia and Africa will require the active promotion of a Culture of Peace,” Ambassador Akram said.

The international community, he said, cannot fail to address the worst contemporary manifestation of Islamophobia – “the threat posed by Hindutva hate in India against the 200 million Indian Muslims and Christians as well as the oppressed Muslims of occupied Jammu and Kashmir.”

Noting that “Hindutva,” prescribing Hindu supremacy, was born simultaneously with Nazism in the 1920s, the Pakistani envoy said its exponents – the Sangh Parivar — adhere to the same ideology.

“They seek to transform India into an exclusive Hindu State in which Muslims and other minorities are obliged to convert to Hinduism or accept ejection or a second-class existence.

“The founders of this party – the RSS, the parent of the ruling BJP – proudly equated their ideology with Hitler’s Nazis and called for the persecution of India’s Muslims just like the Jews,” he added.

One of the members of the RSS, Nathuram Godse, assassinated Mahatma Ghandi, Ambassador Akram said, adding that within India’s ruling party, it is Godse, not Ghandi, who is glorified as a deity.

The RSS was responsible for the organized pogroms against Indian Muslims in Bombay (1992), Gujarat (2002), and Delhi (2021), he said, pointing out that the BBC documentary on the Gujarat pogrom and the Indian Prime Minister’s culpability was banned in India and the BBC was being investigated for tax fraud.

The RSS and the Sangh Parivar were responsible for the destruction in 1992 of the historic Babri Mosque in Ayodhya and the construction, with judicial complicity, of a Hindu Temple on the site, the Pakistani envoy said, urging the UN Alliance of Civilizations to act.

The United Nations, he added, must demand that the Indian government halt its program to eliminate India’s Islamic heritage – by changing history books, place names, school curriculums, and other similar cultural obliteration of Islam.

He urged an end to daily atrocities against Muslims, such as the lynching of Muslims by “cow vigilantes,” the detention of Muslims on a charge of “Love-jihad,” and violence against Christians for the “crime of proselytizing.” He also urged India to prevent its Muslims from becoming stateless through the discriminatory Citizenship Law and National Registry List.

“Hindutva extremism is also ‘turbo-charging’ India’s repression in occupied Jammu & Kashmir. It has deployed 900,000 troops – one soldier for every 8 Kashmiri men, women, and children – to impose its colonial annexation of Kashmir, resorting to extra-judicial killings; the abduction of 15,000 Kashmiri boys; collective punishments; and the incarceration of the entire political leadership of the All Parties Hurriyet Conference – the true voice of the Kashmiri people,” Ambassador Akram said.

India, he added, was also implementing its strategy to transform occupied Jammu & Kashmir from a Muslim-majority State into a Hindu-majority territory in violation of Security Council resolutions and international humanitarian law.

“As the UN’s Special Rapporteur on Minorities, Fernand de Varennes, stated on May 15: “By holding the G-20 meeting (in occupied Kashmir), the Government of India is seeking to normalize the military occupation.” it was pointed out.

Varennes added, “The situation in Jammu & Kashmir should be decried and condemned, not push(ed) under the rug.”

Ambassador Akram also referred to the warning of Gregory Stanton, the head of Genocide Watch, that what is happening in Indian-occupied Jammu & Kashmir, and in India itself, points to the possibility of genocide in Kashmir and India. —APP

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