Pakistan Calls for Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza, Relief for Palestinians

Mon May 27 2024
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WASHINGTON/ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States Masood Khan has called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an increase in urgently needed humanitarian aid for Palestinians in the war-hit enclave who, he said, were being pushed from one location to another in search of safety.

Addressing the 49th Convention arranged by Muslim bodies ICNA and MAS in Baltimore, Maryland, the ambassador urged the US to demonstrate leadership in ensuring the implementation of a two-state solution to resolve the catastrophic Middle East crisis.

The annual 3-day convention is being attended by thousands of Muslims from across the US and other parts of the world.

Israel’s deadly war in Gaza, now in its 8th month, has martyred at least 36,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children. Around 80 percent of the population’s 2.3 million people have fled their homes, severe hunger is widespread and United Nations officials say parts of the territory are experiencing famine.

Pakistan’s Ambassador Pays Tribute to South Africa

The Pakistani envoy also paid tribute to the South African government for its “singular contribution” to uphold international humanitarian law — referring to the genocide case that the country brought against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Earlier, the President of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) Dr. Mohsin Ansari said that South Africa stood up, raised its voice for the Palestinian people, went to ICJ and showed the world what courage, truth, and justice means.

Charge d’Affaires at the South African Embassy in Washington Ismail Esau underlined the sufferings of Palestinians under occupation and the ongoing military operations.

He said that for South Africa, there remains a special sense of responsibility towards Palestine as Nelson Mandela had insisted that the Palestine problem is a great moral cause of the time and South Africa’s freedom would remain incomplete as long as Palestine is not free.

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