Pakistan, China Forms Digital Education Alliance to Equip Students with Digital Skills

Sat Jun 29 2024
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BEIJING: Pakistan and China have formed the China-Pakistan Digital Education Alliance to collaborate on equipping students with digital skills.

Last week marked a significant advancement in educational collaboration between China and Pakistan with the establishment of the China-Pakistan Digital Education Alliance.

Initiated jointly by ITMC Technology Co., Ltd. and UNI International, alongside more than 160 Chinese and Pakistani technical and vocational education and training (TVET) partners, the alliance aims to bolster Pakistan’s TVET system and elevate it into a prominent digital education hub.

The announcement of this alliance took place during the International Digital Skills Exchange Seminar at the 2nd Belt and Road International Skills Competition in Chongqing, China, held from June 24 to 26, as reported by local media.

The historic event was attended by over 200 experts from both nations, representing more than 140 colleges and universities, both physically and virtually.

Rao Rashid Ali, Director General of Punjab TEVTA, leads the alliance from Pakistan, underscoring the collaboration’s significance in bridging Pakistan’s digital skills gap and its potential to revolutionize the country’s educational landscape.

From China, Professor Xue Maoyun, former president of Jiangsu Commerce Vocational and Technical College, assumed the role of alliance chairman, emphasizing a shared commitment to advancing digital education and fostering mutually beneficial partnerships.

Muhammad Omar, Counsellor and Head of Chancery at the Pakistani Embassy in China, and Afifa Shajia Awais, Counsellor of Education, also participated in the seminar.

Omar praised China’s accomplishments in talent development, particularly in cultivating highly skilled professionals, expressing optimism that Pakistan could learn from China’s digital transformation experience to enhance its own educational institutions.

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