Pakistan Customs Foil Iphones Smuggling Bid at Karachi Airport

Fri May 19 2023
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KARACHI: Pakistan Customs foiled a bid to smuggle cell phones worth millions of rupees at Jinnah International Airport (JIA) here on Friday.

Officials deployed at the International Departure were busy screening the incoming passengers from a foreign origin when they received information about an attempt to smuggle iPhones. They intensified the checking process and detained the passenger who landed from Dubai.

During the screening process, the Customs staff checked the baggage of passenger and recovered more than thirty-five mobile phones including X-max, iPhone-XS, worth about 10 million rupees approximately. An FIR has been registered against the passenger after he failed to produce tax details to the customs officials.

In a similar action, the Customs staff foiled a smuggling bid involving goods worth around 8 million rupees from Allama Iqbal International Airport Lahore (AIIAL) and arrested a passenger travelling from the United States.

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