Pakistan Embassy in Ankara Celebrates International Women’s Day with Special Event

Thu Mar 07 2024
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ANKARA: In commemoration of International Women’s Day, the Pakistan Embassy in Ankara organized an event themed ‘Celebrating Women in Leadership,’ featuring prominent international women leaders from various fields including politics, diplomacy, education, sports, and media.

The event included inspiring keynote speeches by Pakistan’s Ambassador to Turkey, Dr. Yousaf Junaid, Turkish Parliament Member Serap Yazici Ozbudun, Ankara University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Yasemin Kepenekci, Prof. Dr. Sebnem Akcapar (Spouse of Turkish Deputy Foreign Minister and President of DMEDD), gender expert Prof. Feride Acar, President of the Spouse Head of Mission (SHOM) Association Louma Kabalan Moallem, and Turkish archer Gizem Girismen. This was followed by an interactive session during lunch. Alongside the speakers, 45 women leaders from diverse backgrounds attended the event.

International Women’s Day, Pakistan Embassy in Ankara, Women in Leadership, Ambassador Dr. Yousaf Junaid,

In his address, Ambassador Dr. Yousaf Junaid paid tribute to the invaluable contributions of women to society, economy, and culture, emphasizing Islam’s high regard for women as the architects of society.

He praised Turkish First Lady Emine Erdogan’s vision of ‘strong women, strong family, strong society’ and stressed the importance of collaborative efforts to dismantle barriers, break glass ceilings, and establish an equitable world for future generations.

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Turkish Parliament Member Serap Yazici Ozbudun highlighted the necessity of establishing comprehensive support mechanisms to ensure women’s equal access to opportunities across all areas, from education to employment.

International Women’s Day, Pakistan Embassy in Ankara, Women in Leadership, Ambassador Dr. Yousaf Junaid,

Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Yasemin Kepenekci emphasized the pivotal role of education in laying the groundwork for equal opportunities and advocating for equal rights.

President of DMEDD Prof. Dr. Sebnem Akcapar reiterated the importance of women’s empowerment and participation in professional life as essential components for sustainable growth. Prof. Feride Acar stressed the crucial role of male engagement and support in achieving gender equality goals.


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