Pakistan Interested to Join BRICS, Likely to Attend Next Summit as Observer

Sun Jul 23 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has expressed its interest in becoming a member of the BRICS alliance and is expected to make an official bid in the next BRICS meeting scheduled to take place in Kazan, Russia. The decision to attend the 2024 BRICS summit as a guest/observer member comes as Pakistan aims to strengthen its ties with the influential group.

China and Russia have shown their support for Pakistan’s bid to join BRICS, as they seek to expand the alliance’s influence in the region and on the global stage. With the backing of these two influential countries, Pakistan’s aspirations to become a member have gained momentum.

Algeria and Saudi Arabia Also Interested to Join BRICS

Additionally, Algeria and Saudi Arabia are also likely to join the BRICS alliance, with Algeria announcing its plans to invest $1.5 billion in the BRICS bank. The inclusion of these countries is expected to further enhance BRICS’ economic and geopolitical clout.

The BRICS alliance, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, has become an important platform for cooperation and coordination among emerging economies. Pakistan’s potential inclusion in the group could have significant implications for regional and global dynamics.

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