Pakistan, Kazakhstan to Strengthen Collaboration on Climate Change

Thu Aug 01 2024
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ISLAMABAD: In a significant move toward global climate action, Pakistan and Kazakhstan have reaffirmed their commitment to enhance cooperation in addressing climate risks, environmental issues, and resource scarcity.

The agreement was finalized during a meeting held on Thursday between Romina Khurshid Alam, Coordinator to the Prime Minister on Climate Change, and a Kazakhstan embassy delegation led by Ambassador Yerzhan Kistafin.

Ambassador Kistafin expressed Kazakhstan’s keen interest in strengthening bilateral ties through increased people-to-people contact, tourism, and engagement in socio-economic development sectors such as trade, education, research, and environmental management.

He emphasized Kazakhstan’s willingness to provide technical, technological, and financial support to Pakistan. This includes collaborating on climate resilience, eco-tourism, climate-smart agriculture, and renewable energy projects.

Romina Khurshid Alam welcomed Kazakhstan’s offer, acknowledging the importance of working together to tackle climate change, energy challenges, agriculture, and water management.

She assured the ambassador of her commitment to mobilizing resources and leveraging Kazakhstan’s expertise in climate risk management, renewable energy, and sustainable practices.

During the meeting, Romina Khurshid Alam highlighted the Central Asia region’s vulnerability to climate change, noting that temperatures in the region are rising faster than the global average.

This has led to more frequent heatwaves, affecting agriculture, water resources, and human health. She pointed out the rapid shrinkage of glaciers in the Tien Shan and Pamir mountains, which are crucial for water supplies.

Romina Khurshid Alam emphasized that both Pakistan and Central Asia face similar environmental and climate change risks, including water scarcity, extreme weather events, desertification, and biodiversity loss.

She stressed the need for a comprehensive regional approach to improve water management, adopt climate-resilient agricultural practices, and invest in infrastructure to handle extreme weather. Regional cooperation is essential, particularly for managing transboundary water resources.

Ambassador Kistafin agreed with Romina Khurshid Alam, acknowledging the shared environmental and climate challenges. He committed Kazakhstan to working closely with Pakistan and other Central Asian countries to address these issues through both bilateral and regional efforts.

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