Pakistan Navy Observes World Oceans Day

Thu Jun 08 2023
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KARACHI: The Pakistan Navy observed World Oceans Day to emphasize the importance of protecting and developing the oceans and coastal areas.

According to a news release issued by the Pakistan Navy on Thursday, oceans are very important for humans since they are primary sources of nutrition for life on Earth and act as lungs for our globe, providing more than 50% of the oxygen generated in this world. They are also significant carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas absorbers.

On June 8, the world observes World Oceans Day to draw attention to human activities’ impact on our oceans’ health and the sustainable use of the ocean’s resources. This year’s World Oceans Day theme is ‘Planet Oceans: Tides are Changing,’ which attempts to emphasize the challenges of conserving ocean health and steps to maintain ecological balance.

Pakistan Navy

To show the importance of ocean preservation, the Pakistan Navy has undertaken a number of initiatives, including beach cleaning drives, mangrove plantation campaigns, the use of Debris Collection Barges in the harbor, the prohibition of the use of destructive fishing nets, the prevention of oil pollution at sea, and collaboration with the industrial community to reduce waste dumping to the sea.

To highlight the spirit of the day and show seriousness about the sustainable use of oceans, a number of events were held in Karachi and Gwadar, including harbor and beach cleaning. Active and forthcoming participation by all stakeholders can make a big difference in the preservation of the maritime ecosystem. Concurrently, the National Institute of Maritime Affairs (NIMA) organized a series of events, including seminars and panel discussions on Ocean Resources and the Blue Economy.

Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi, Chief of the Naval Staff, reaffirmed the PN’s resolve and commitment to protecting our oceans from further damage and reverse the harm done thus far in his statement on the day. He emphasized the urgent need to examine and comply with methods that would help protect and preserve the oceans, which are the ultimate source of life in world.

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