Pakistan Needs to Invest More in Flood Management: Minister

Tue Aug 29 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s Caretaker Federal Minister for Water Resources Ahmed Irfan Aslam said on Tuesday that the country during last year’s monster monsoon floods bore 30 billion dollars in economic and infrastructure losses that demanded to invest more resources in early warning systems and flood management for better disaster preparedness.

He delivered his keynote address at the launching ceremony of the National Master Plan on Flood Telemetry and National Consultation on Updated National Flood Protection Plan-IV which is backed by the Asian Development Bank.

The minister said globally some 2.93 trillion dollars was lost due to natural calamities whereas during last year’s monsoon floods, Pakistan faced huge economic losses.

He said that it was essential to have strategic flood management plans to grow the country’s economy. Water-related natural calamities can be managed through informed prediction which is impossible without modern flood telemetry systems.

The minister further said that the concerned departments were silently working without any recognition like the Federal Flood Commission which should be appreciated and acknowledged.

ADB’s Support for Pakistan

He also extended his gratitude to the Asian Development Bank for supporting the upgradation of the National Flood Protection Plan-IV as Pakistan’s government had launched the endeavor based on the lessons learned during the floods of last year.

He said the exchange of information and knowledge had a long way aiming to protect more lives which would considerably contribute to the implementation of the updated Plan.

The Caretaker Minister also appreciated the Secretary of Water Resources for his dedication to the issue and termed it helpful in taking informed measures at the Division.

On the occasion, Secretary of Water Resources Division Syed Ali Murtaza said that Pakistan was highly vulnerable due to floods. However, the recurring flash-floods had incurred huge financial losses to the country whereas information and prevention of floods was an important driver for the country to ensure effective flood management strategies on the ground.

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