Pakistan Observes Kashmir Solidarity Day, Reaffirms Support for Right to Self-Determination

Mon Feb 05 2024
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ISLAMABAD: In a show of unwavering solidarity, the Government and people of Pakistan marked ‘Kashmir Solidarity Day’ on Monday, dedicating the day to express firm support for Kashmiris in their ongoing struggle for the realization of their right to self-determination in the face of Indian state brutalities and atrocities.

On this occasion, the President, Prime Minister, and Foreign Minister issued special messages, reaffirming Pakistan’s steadfast moral, diplomatic, and political backing for the Kashmir Cause.

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani took proactive steps by addressing letters to key international bodies, including the UN Security Council, General Assembly, Secretary-General, High Commissioner for Human Rights, and OIC Secretary-General.

In these letters, the Foreign Minister highlighted the urgency of implementing relevant UN Security Council resolutions, calling for a fair and impartial plebiscite under UN auspices to determine the future of Jammu and Kashmir.

Kashmir Solidarity Day Walk in Islamabad

A ‘Solidarity Day Walk’ marked the day, led by Ministers for Information, Privatization, Culture, and Religious Affairs. The walk traced Constitution Avenue from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Parliament Building.

Simultaneously, a range of activities, including seminars, webinars, panel discussions, and photo exhibitions, organized nationwide and at Pakistan’s diplomatic missions worldwide. These activities aimed to express solidarity with Kashmiri people, shed light on ongoing human rights violations in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), and address the repercussions of India’s attempts to disempower Kashmiris in their own land.

In connection with the Kashmir Solidarity Day, a briefing was organized for foreign diplomats based in Islamabad, providing them with insights into the current situation in IIOJK.

Throughout Pakistan, Kashmir Solidarity Day rallies echoed the nation’s firm resolve to stand beside and support Kashmiris in their just struggle for the right to self-determination. The day served as a emotional reminder of the strong commitment of Pakistan to the Kashmir Cause and the urgent need for international attention to address the human rights crisis unfolding in IIOJK.


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