Pakistan Preserving Buddha Heritage, Spreading Peaceful Message: Jamy

Thu May 30 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Federal Secretary Ministry of National Heritage and Culture Nasir Hassan Jamy on Wednesday said that Pakistan was spearheading the efforts to protect and preserve the Buddha heritage and had also accelerated the efforts to spread the peaceful message of Buddha and Silk Road.

The federal secretary, in his opening remarks at the 3rd session of the two-day symposium titled “From Gandhara to the World: The Legacy of Gandharan Buddhism” arranged by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Islamabad, said that Pakistan placed a great emphasis on tracing the roots of Buddhism in the country and other nations.

The two-day event brought together religious leaders and experts from Sri Lanka, Thailand, Nepal, and Vietnam, besides scholars, historians, diplomats, and art enthusiasts to provide them a platform to exchange ideas and foster connections.

He said the ancient Gandhara civilization left indelible footprints in the realm of architecture, culture, art, and spirituality with Buddha being its central figure having an odyssey of spreading knowledge, peace, wisdom, and harmony.

Jamy said that besides introducing Buddhism to China and the greater part of East Asia, the Gandhara civilization also contributed to embellishing the rich cultural tapestry of modern Pakistan.

Gandhara Civilization as a Linkages Source Between Pakistan, China

He said that Gandhara civilization also led to the early linkages between China and Pakistan as many Chinese monks traveled along ancient Silk Roads to arrive at Buddhist seminaries.

The federal secretary said that the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) had revived that spirit of transparency, openness, and discovery which in ancient times had brought about the fruitful exchange of goods, ideas and cultural influences between several nations and civilizations.

Assuring his ministry’s support and cooperation, Jamy said that the best way of paying tribute to the Gandhara civilization was to continue researching the subject and reinvigorate the Buddha’s message of harmony and peace.

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