Pakistan Reaffirms Commitment to Labour Standards

Thu Sep 28 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) on Overseas Pakistanis & Human Resource Development, Jawad Sohrab Malik, has reaffirmed Pakistan’s commitment to upholding fundamental labour standards, including the elimination of child and forced labour.

He made these remarks while speaking as the Chief Guest at the launch of the National Report on the General Scheme of Preferences Plus (GSP+) at Marriott Hotel Islamabad, organized by the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis & Human Resource Development with the support of ILO and EU.

He emphasized Pakistan’s dedication to fulfilling its commitments of safeguarding freedom of association, and gender equality.

He reiterated that Pakistan is aware of the labor rights challenges and is determined to address them. Pakistan aims to become an ethical and responsible global partner, with the GSP+ playing a vital role in this journey, to which Pakistan remains fully devoted.

Malik stressed the need for close cooperation and coordination among all stakeholders to ensure successful compliance with international labour rights conventions, which is essential for uninterrupted benefits from the GSP+ status and vital for exporting goods to EU countries.

The GSP+ is a special incentive program by the European Union that supports sustainable development and good governance in vulnerable developing countries. Countries granted GSP+ status are required to ratify and comply with 27 international conventions, including labour standards and rights, of which Pakistan has already ratified all 27 core international conventions. This allows Pakistan to export goods to the European Union with reduced or zero import duties.

The event was attended by Mr. Geir Tonstol, ILO Country Director for Pakistan, and Dr. Stephen Langrell, Head of Rural Development and Economic Cooperation of the EU Delegation to Pakistan. During the event, the Country Director of ILO in Pakistan assured the Government of Pakistan of providing technical assistance to undertake the necessary reforms to meet GSP+ requirements.

Senior officials from federal government ministries and officers from provincial governments also participated in the event.

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